Success & Self Worth

I think this is a topic that is very controversial for a lot of people. Everyone has a different way of measuring the successes in their life, but I don’t think people pay attention to all the different little “wins” each of us have everyday.

One of my favorite things to do is set goals for myself and when I reach them I let myself do something for myself for reaching that goal. Even if it’s something as simple as cleaning my room and treating myself to a small piece of chocolate. Or when I finish a tough workout I allow myself to a warm bath. These are the things I think people look over too often. I’m not saying that everyone should eat chocolate every time they make their bed, but I do think it is important to respect yourself and give yourself some credit. I’m not going to sugarcoat it, life is hard. There is struggle in each day of our lives, big and small. Those are the days you especially need to try your hardest to appreciate yourself. 

Everyday while brushing your teeth, think of something nice about yourself. Even if it is something as simple as the way your shirt looks on you or the way your eyes squint when you smile. Things like this can improve your mood and help you to have a better day. It’s amazing, how when you change your opinion of yourself, you begin to see changes in the way you feel about yourself throughout your daily life. 

This is just one more thing I have been trying to do this year. I have been doing my best to compliment myself and stop beating myself up. I was always one of the worst people about this. I thought every pair of jeans made my butt look huge and my hair made me look like I just rolled out of bed. But I’ve come to realize that the only person who noticed any of this was me! If I said anything about it to someone else they didn’t even know what I was talking about! 

I guess what I am really trying to get out of this post is that you should celebrate yourself sometimes and appreciate yourself for all that you do throughout each and every day. There is always going to be good and bad days, but when you have the right mindset, you can have the confidence to face those challenges and conquer them.*

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